About Landsverk

The headquarters are located in Tórshavn. Eight road stations are throughout the country as well as three forges, one asphalt plant, four stone and broken stone quarries, one bitumen storage facility and one salt depot.

About us

Landsverk was established in 1948 under the name “Landsverkfrøðingurin”. From the very beginning, the institution has overseen technical building projects in the widest sense for the country and its municipalities. Today Landsverk is an institution under the Ministry of Finance.

Landsverk oversees road, harbour and entrepreneurial tasks. The institution consults, plans, carries out, runs and maintains main roads, harbours, buildings, helipads and the area around the airport.

A bill has been passed that Landsverk inspects the public companies, the Vága tunnel and the Norðoya tunnel, that own and run the undersea tunnels under Vestmanna Sound and Leirvík Fjord.

Since 1975 Landsverk has been a member of The Nordic Road Association. It is an association with more than 800 members and aims to develop road, traffic and transportation areas in cooperation with skilled workers in the Nordic countries

Areas of activity

When Landsverk was established in 1948, the road systems were not highly developed. There was little expertise and equipment to build and run the roads. A lot has happened since then and today we have an institution in a more advanced world where cooperation and coordination with other parties is a prerequisite.

Our areas of responsibility have also increased and now cover public buildings and the administration of public regulations regarding roads, harbours and buildings as well as other services. The latest area to be included under Landsverk’s responsibility is the emergency clean-up work after an oil spill on the ocean. This responsibility was assigned the institution at the beginning of 2011.


Landsverk has been doing weather measurements since the mid-eighties and wave measurements since the late seventies. The institution offers a variety of measurements that many different groups in society benefit from. The Press collects data directly from the website and relays it to the Faroese people.

Students and researchers can also contact Landsverk with requests about historical data for their studies. Municipalities and the building industry also have interest in our data when it comes to harbours, windmills and when buildings need to be constructed and/or maintained. Now and then Landsverk is asked to set up weather stations in places that need to be determined whether or not it is advisable to build. Today Landsverk has 26 permanent weather stations spread out across the country.

Products and Services

Landsverk provides a variety of products and services. In the four quarries that are located in Hustoft, Hundsarabotnur, Sandur and above Porkeri, it’s possible to purchase stone, broken stone and sand. The institution also sells different kinds of asphalt and oil gravel. Landsverk takes various measurements on land as well as measurements and simulations on the ocean. The institution also runs 25 weather stations and can therefore provide different types of weather data.

On the left hand side of the page you can acquire information about our various products and services.

Visit Landsverk

Grade school and college students frequently visit Landsverk. If you for example wish to visit the stone and broken stone plant in Hundsarabotnur or want to hear a lecture about the institution’s activities, or perhaps see how the working environment is for a civil engineer, architect or a blacksmith, you are more than welcome to contact us.

For more information contact Ása Ósá, Human Resource Manager, phone: +298 290 816 or write an email to asos@lv.fo and cc to lv@lv.fo
